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Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Divorce Toilet

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Why You're Not Married...Yet

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Not Daddy's Little Girl

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My Ex Sued Me — and Won

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My Boyfriend's Secret

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Q & A: What Do Women Want?

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The Men Tell All—Until We Shut Them Up

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20 Cheap Summer Date Ideas

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Second Time Around

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The Honeymoon Is(n't) Over

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The Trouble With Oral Sex

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Dangerous Curves

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Honey, I'm Home!

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My First Girlfriend

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The Joy of Submission

Fifty Shades of Grey is fiction, but the kinky sex in its pages is very real. One ambitious, assertive woman describes how she became a submissive — and why it's not as fringe as you might think.]]>

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He Read My Diary!

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How to make scheduled sex more interesting

One of the best ways to ensure your sex life stays on track amid busy schedules and family responsibilities is to schedule your time between the sheets. But let’s face it -- that can get boring. To help keep sex from getting stale, we put together a few ways to keep things more interesting despite being on a schedule.
couple having sex

Shake up your routine

One of the best ways to ensure your sex life stays on track amid busy schedules and family responsibilities is to schedule your time between the sheets. But let’s face it -- that can get boring. To help keep sex from getting stale, we put together a few ways to keep things more interesting despite being on a schedule.

Try new things

The same old thing can get boring, even when it gets the job done. Rather than rely on all the same moves, shake things up by trying something new. This can mean a new position , reading some erotic literature, role playing or introducing toys or even a blindfold. The point is to keep your sex life from falling into a rut and make sex something you look forward to even when you’re tired or stressed out from work or other responsibilities.

Quick tip

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to trying new things, start out by taking a shower or bubble bath together just to see where it goes. There’s no pressure, but the total change of pace might spark some new ideas.

Take turns initiating

If he’s always the one to start the ball rolling, you might want to try initiating sex more often. It can be very easy to get into the routine of one person starting things and taking control of the situation, but when you’re the one who gets things started, you can also be the one in charge. Take turns being the instigator and also the one who calls the shots in bed. This can be a great way to rev things up in the bedroom. It might feel strange at first if you’re not used to being the boss, but the more you do it, the more fun you’ll have!

Build excitement

Call at least once, or send a text or email the day of just to flirt. You’ll need to be mindful of each other’s schedules , but otherwise, make an effort to make the lead-up to sex more fun by enticing each other with little snippets of what you want to try or what you’re most looking forward to. A little bit of suggestive flirting can go a long way to get both of you much more excited about sex than when it’s just something that happens every Wednesday.

More about sex

3 Unique ways to boost your libido
Drop what you're doing and make more time for sex
Top 4 tips for getting in the mood for sex

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Your sex and love homework

Feeling like there’s room for improvement in the bedroom? Maybe it’s time for some homework -- sex homework that is. We put together some quick and easy lessons to help boost intimacy, bring back the spark and get your sex life back on track. The best part: no pen and paper required.

Couple having sex

Buy yourself new lingerie

It’s time to toss the granny panties and the worn-out cotton underwear. This week we suggest you treat yourself to something sexy. And don’t shop only with your partner in mind. Sure, you want him to think you look amazing, but you’re the one that will be wearing whatever you buy and you want to make sure it feels great on your body.

clockPick a day to both come home early

No time for sex lately? Choose a day this week to both come home one hour early. You can use this time for whatever you want, but we suggest taking advantage of the extra time and using it for sex, or at least some form of intimacy . The added time together will help boost your bond.

Have one no-TV day this week

It can be so easy to get sucked into watching TV all night , especially after a long day. But this week we’re asking you to say no to the screen. Choose one day where you don’t watch TV. Hide the remote if you have to. Now, what are you going to do with all that free time…

Love and gadgets: Tech etiquette for couples >>

Do one thing in bed you’ve never done

Skip the usual routine and instead talk about what you haven’t tried in bed together. It doesn’t have to be way outside your comfort zone , but it should just be something you haven’t tried . Choose something you’re both comfortable with and test it out this week.

Walk around the house naked

This homework assignment has to be done with the lights on. We know you might feel strange and awkward walking around the house in the buff, but we’re willing to bet your partner will appreciate it. The point is to get more comfortable with your body so sex becomes less about your insecurities and more about having fun. Bonus points: Get him to shed his clothes, too!

More about sex

Keep sex exciting as the temperature rises
5 Ways to feel sexier this summer
5 Ways to keep cool during sex

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Have better sex at any age

Great sex doesn't have to be a thing of the past — even if you've been with your partner for decades. How, exactly, do you get your groove back? Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., answered some of our most pressing questions about sex. Listen to her sage advice about sparking intimacy after age 40, how to feel desire for your spouse again and why gadgets can interfere with sensuality even when they're not physically in the bedroom.
Couple having sex

Sexpert tips

Great sex doesn't have to be a thing of the past — even if you've been with your partner for decades. How, exactly, do you get your groove back? Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., answered some of our most pressing questions about sex. Listen to her sage advice about sparking intimacy after age 40, how to feel desire for your spouse again and why gadgets can interfere with sensuality even when they're not physically in the bedroom.

Pepper Schwartz, Ph.D., spokeswoman for Replens and author of PRIME: Adventures and Advice on Sex, Love and The Sensual Years, talks about these hot topics in the video:

How to give your sex life a reality check when you turn 40

"Do a checkup from your head down to your toes, and start with your mind, saying, 'Am I enjoying it?' And my heart, 'Am I relating correctly?' And then you get down to the functioning body parts that need to work for you. For example, as we get older, our skin loses a lot of elasticity that it has, and so if you're having any pain during intercourse, for example, or any part of sex, you want to make sure that goes away. And sometimes vaginal dryness can do that."

Quick ways for a woman to feel sexier in bed

"If you want to do something that makes you feel a little more sensual, how about getting a really sexy nightie? I think silk against your skin makes you feel really great. Get a dimmer in your lights. Change your bedroom a little bit. It'll change your mood; it'll change how you feel about yourself."

Tips to reclaim romance from tech and gadgets

"Give yourself a no-issues zone, a quiet zone, maybe have a cup of tea together, a cup of coffee, a glass of wine, and say good things about the day, or just talk about things that are interesting to you. Take that deep breath, enjoy it together, and you'll look forward to this moment all the time, as opposed to thinking, 'I don't want to hear all this stuff, I've had a tough enough day myself.'"

Tune in to the video for more suggestions about how you can get in the mood and, in turn, have the best sex of your life.

More on sex

How to spice up your sex life
Bring Fifty Shades of Grey into your bedroom
5 Ways to keep cool during sex

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How to boost your sexual satisfaction

Not every sexual experience is going to be off the charts. That would be great, but in reality, sex doesn’t always go exactly like you want it to. But before you resign yourself to being bored between the sheets, a few small but significant changes can make a huge difference when it comes to how satisfied you are in bed.
couple having sex

Sex things up

Not every sexual experience is going to be off the charts. That would be great, but in reality, sex doesn’t always go exactly like you want it to. But before you resign yourself to being bored between the sheets, a few small but significant changes can make a huge difference when it comes to how satisfied you are in bed.

Learn what you like

The key to great sex is knowing what you like, which means doing some solo experimentation to truly understand what turns you on. If you’re comfortable enough with your guy, then you can also ask him to help. Try different positions, different times during the day and spend more time figuring out what works best for your body. It might mean spending some extra time between the sheets and trading quickies for longer sex sessions, but the more you learn about what makes you feel good, the better sex will be for you on a regular basis.

Love your body

Sexual satisfaction goes down drastically when you have low body confidence. If you focus more on what he thinks of your naked body than on actually enjoying yourself, you’re not going to have a good time in bed. Trade negative thoughts about how you look for positive affirmations. Focus on feeling good about your body and you’ll be much more apt to enjoy sex.

How to love your body, flaws and all >>

Stay in the moment

It might seem obvious, but to enjoy sex to the fullest, you have to be thinking about the sex you’re having. Letting your mind linger on what you need to do later, how messy the house is, whether or not your presentation for work tomorrow is good enough or whether he’s having a good time just means you aren’t in the moment. One of the best ways to ensure sexual satisfaction is to focus on exactly what’s happing -- and nothing else.

Communicate your needs

Love sex in the afternoon, but not when you’re trying to go to sleep? Hate a certain position that your partner loves? Want more foreplay? If you want your sex life to improve, you have to communicate what you want . You’ll likely notice a big difference in your enjoyment once you’ve shared the things that make you more likely to want to hop in the sack.

More about sex

Your sex and love homework
How to get what you want in bed
What not to say or do during sex

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3 Reasons married sex is better

While your single friends might rave about one night stands, summer flings and hot sex with strangers, they likely don’t know what they’re missing when it comes to sex with your spouse. There are a few key reasons married sex trumps all other kinds. Some women we reached out to agree.

Couple having sex

You know each other really well

While sleeping with someone totally new has its perks , you still don’t know each other’s bodies. When you’re married or in a long-term relationship, you know everything that turns the other person on, what they like, what they don’t -- which can often mean a more consistently enjoyable experience. Satisfaction comes from being able to please your partner.

Real women speak: Sex was different when we first started dating, but now I feel like our connection is so much deeper, which translates into better sex.

-- Mandi, from Orlando, married for six years

You’re comfortable with each other

When you're married, or you’ve been with someone for several years, there are no more inhibitions about asking for what you want or feeling embarrassed because you didn’t shave your legs today. You’re at ease with one another so you aren’t focusing on whether or not he thinks you look good naked or how much he’s enjoying himself. You’re more in the moment, which equals better sex.

Real women speak: I used to be so nervous about having sex with someone new. I just couldn’t relax as much as I wanted to. But my husband puts me at ease so I can really focus on having fun!

 -- Carolyn, from Dallas, married for three years

You’ve learned to communicate

Good sex needs good communication. If you can’t talk about what works, what doesn’t and what you want to try, then you’ll never move past a sex life that’s just OK. Being married usually means you’ve been together long enough to communicate your needs, meaning sex can improve and get better the longer you’re together.

Real women speak: I always thought that sex would inevitably get boring as the years ticked by, but for us, things just keep getting better. I really think it’s because we make a point to talk about sex. It’s not a taboo topic for us.

-- Angela, from Montreal, married for eight years

More about sex

Your sex and love homework
How to move past your bedroom hang-ups
3 Unique ways to boost your libido

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How does sleep affect your sex life?

If you think the amount of sleep you get only affects your coffee consumption and how productive you are on the job, think again. Getting a good night’s rest also means a healthier, happier relationship -- and a much more satisfying sex life. Even more reason to get your beauty rest!

man snoring and keeping wife awake

Sleep and sex

We’ve all used the “too tired” excuse in the bedroom at least once. In fact, 33 percent of women and one in four live-in couples in the U.S. frequently report being too tired for sex. There is good news, though -- a new infographic from Zeo, the leading sleep management company, and Thomas Edwards, The Professional Wingman, a dating and relationship expert, aims to explain the ties between our sleep habits and our sex lives. Some of the findings may surprise you.

Interesting statistics

We picked out some of the stats about sleep and sex we found most interesting.

  • 75 percent of men report waking up aroused compared to only 35 percent of women.
  • Wondering why women always fall asleep after sex? That’s because according to the survey, three out of 10 times, they didn’t really orgasm. Yikes.
  • 12 percent of women say sleep problems interfere with their relationships.
  • More than six hours of sleep improves your relationship satisfaction.
  • 78 percent of those who get seven to eight hours of sleep report being happier with life in general.

What to do about it

If you’re not getting enough sleep, there are a few ways to get back on track.

  • Say no to caffeine at least four hours before bed.
  • Avoid eating at least two hours before bed.
  • Put away the laptop and work emails before you want to go to bed. Thinking about what you need to do tomorrow will cause too much anxiety to get an adequate night of sleep.
  • Does your spouse snore? Consider finding a snoring solution so you can both get a better night’s sleep.
  • Invest in an eye mask if your room isn’t adequately dark. Think about ear plugs if you live somewhere with traffic noise or loud neighbors.
  • White noise machines can be helpful in soothing you to sleep.

Sleep and sex infographic

More about sex

How to get what you want in bed
Your sex and love homework
Have better sex at any age

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What you need to know about lubricant

It's official: Scientists say sex is better with lube. A study of 2,500 women from Indiana University found that women who used lubricant reported more pleasure and satisfaction during sex. But how do you decide which kind is right for you? We talked to sex educator Carol Queen, PhD, staff sexologist at Good Vibrations sex-toy store in San Francisco, for the lowdown on what to expect from different types of lubricants so you can choose wisely... and have the best sex of your life.
couple having sex

It's official: Scientists say sex is better with lube. A study of 2,500 women from Indiana University found that women who used lubricant reported more pleasure and satisfaction during sex.

Make sex the best with your perfect lube

But how do you decide which kind is right for you? We talked to sex educator Carol Queen, PhD, staff sexologist at Good Vibrations sex-toy store in San Francisco, for the lowdown on what to expect from different types of lubricants so you can choose wisely... and have the best sex of your life.

Silicone-based lubricantSilicone-based lubricant

Slippery silicone is an all-purpose winner: "This is extremely slick, usually fairly thin and many people like it for vaginal, anal and manual play," says Queen. "Its disadvantage — which might also be considered an advantage — is that it stays and stays, which means it can be a little harder to wash away than the water-based products. It's safe to use with condoms."

Brands to try: Wet Platinum Premium Lubricant [$10 for 3.1 ounces;], Sliquid Silver Silicone Lubricant [$24 for 4.2 ounces;]

Water-based lubricantWater-based lubricant

In the Indiana University study we mentioned above, water-based lubricants were rated highest for pleasure during anal sex. But they're also great for a lot of other things. "These lubes are usually fairly thin and many mimic the feel of vaginal lubrication pretty well," Queen says. "Great for vaginal intercourse and manual play, especially on the vulva." What not to use this lube for? Hand jobs. "It dries out rather quickly as it's exposed to air," she says. If you want an extra-thick water-based lube, try a gel lubricant, which can feel cushier.

Brands to try: BabeLube [$8 for 4 ounces;], Blossom Organics Natural Moisturizing Lubricant [$10 for 4 ounces;].

Water-based cream lubricantWater-based cream lubricant

Same ingredients as other water-based lubes, just a different texture: "This lube looks and feels more like a lotion, so it allows for more friction — great for hand jobs. And many people will like it for vaginal intercourse," Queen says. "It may last longer than the other water-based products and is fine with latex. It may not be best to use before oral sex, as some of these have a flavor that isn't especially neutral — some do not like the taste."

Brands to try: Please Cream Lubricant [$8 for 2 ounces;], Liquid Silk Sensual Lubricant [$16 for 8.5 ounces;]

Oil-based lubricantOil-based lubricant

For this category, think kitchen and bathroom cabinets: Crisco, coconut oil , Vaseline... But these are not safe with latex condoms, as they can break the material down. "Vegetable and nut oils — if you are not allergic to the product they derive from — can be used apart from condomized play," Queen says, "for hand jobs, sensual massage — and some people like them for anal, especially products like shortening, which are thicker and 'cushier.' "One big don't: Using mineral oil–based products for vaginal sex. Queen says it dries out the mucosa.

Brands to try: Love Balm Natural Lubricant [$18 for 3.4 ounces;], Elbow Grease Cream Lubricant [$15 for 4 ounces;]

Other key terms:

If the lube you're considering is flavored...

"Many people enjoy these very much for oral sex," Queen says. "The biggest warning would be a user's potential sensitivity to ingredients. Especially watch out if you are allergic to the flavor in question when you encounter it in real food: Do strawberries give you hives? Watch out for strawberry-flavored lubes! Of course, some flavoring agents are completely artificial... so individual mileage will vary."

If the lube you're considering contains glycerin...

"This is a sugar, and some women will find it does not agree with their vaginal flora," Queen says. "For some, it seems to irritate or to encourage yeast infections. Others use it without any problems. There are enough people who can't use it, though, that many water-based lubes today do not include it. Silicone- and oil-based preparations generally will not include it."

If the lube you're considering is "heating" or "warming"...

"These frequently use a big dose of glycerin to achieve the advertised effect," Queen says. "Some people will like the sensation these give. For others... not so much. These work best with friction or by amplifying the warmth of one's breath... They don't work as well when you blow on them as they are sometimes purported to do. Warm breath amplifies better than cool, blown breath."

If the lube you're considering claims to give extra sensation...

"These are often not really lubricants; they are sensation creams or gels," Queen says. "Instructions frequently tell you to apply to the clitoris and rub in for a few minutes, which will result in arousal -- here's an open secret: You can do that with any slippery liquid and pretty much achieve an aroused result! Sometimes these contain mint oils or other sensation-packed botanicals, and one should watch out in case those are hard to wash off when you've had all the intensity you want."

The takeaway

"Bottom line, if you find a lube has an uncomfortable feel, makes you itchy or [gives you] some other reaction that suggests you have an intolerance to it, switch to something else! These products are supposed to make sex more comfortable, not less."

More bedroom tips

Beat bedroom boredom: Ways to spice things up
5 Fun bedroom buys
How to get what you want in the bedroom

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Shhh: Get the sex you want without speaking a word

Verbalizing what you like and where you crave being touched can be awkward, especially if you're shy. But we've got good news! There are ways to let your partner know exactly what you want in bed with these simple body language secrets.
Say nothing and get what you want
Sexy woman whispering

Body language in the bedroom

Verbalizing what you like and where you crave being touched can be awkward, especially if you're shy. But we've got good news! There are ways to let your partner know exactly what you want in bed with these simple body language secrets.

We spoke with sex counselor Rich Blonna, Ph.D., author of Sex ACT: Unleash the Power of Your Sexual Mind with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, to get his take on how couples can guide each other to having the best sex of their lives... without uttering a single sentence.

What to do before you hit the sheets

The best seduction scenes start prior to even setting foot near the bed. Be the one to strike the match. "Take the initiative," Blonna says. "Don't wait to be invited to the bedroom — do the inviting yourself. This is a real turn-on to guys."

Here's how to get him excited for the main event using only his sense of touch:

"Gently massage his neck, his head, arms, legs or any other non-genital body parts," Blonna says. "The skin is your biggest erogenous zone. You don't have to touch his genitals to send sexy electrical currents shooting through his mind and body. Nuzzle his neck and behind his ears with your nose. Let your hair fall over him as you do this. The back of the ears and neck are highly charged erogenous zones."

OK, now it's time to move to the bedroom. Remember: No talking necessary!

"Make direct eye contact, smile, raise your eyebrows in an inviting and seductive way, and just nod your head in the direction of the bedroom," Blonna says. "Then lead the way. Extend your hands, palms up, and use your hands in an inviting way to join you. Start walking toward your destination, look back over your shoulder, and wiggle your pointer finger, seductively gesturing him to follow."

Hey, if it works in the movies, it'll definitely work in your home!

How to send signals in the bedroom

"The best, and most direct [way to show him what you like], is to gently take his hand and place it where you want it."

We all like different things when we get down to business. If you have trouble discussing your preferences , try these stealth tactics:

"The best, and most direct [way to show him what you like], is to gently take his hand and place it where you want it," Blonna says. "Use varying levels of pressure and tempo to show him where and how you like to be touched."

"You can also touch him in the ways you like to be touched. This is an indirect way to teach your partner what you like. If he is at all perceptive, he will realize that if it feels good for him, chances are it will feel good for you. This is learning through role modeling. Usually this will not lead to the immediate action you desire but can work in the long run."

A few nookie don'ts

Smartphones... tablets... e-readers... flatscreens... These digital guests aren't invited to your lovemaking party:

"The biggest thing to avoid is being distracted and involved in multitasking," Blonna says. "Obvious signs of distraction involve checking your email, watching TV, taking phone calls, etc., while trying to get the action going.

"Leave your cell phone, iPod and any other distracting device in the kitchen. The bedroom is a place to practice mindfulness. The only thing that matters once you get there is him — how he feels, how he smells, how he tastes, what every inch of his body looks like and the sex sounds he makes when you stimulate him. Making love can be a gourmet feast and an entertaining event if you give it your full attention and time."

For more on Dr. Blonna, check out his website here!

More on sex

What you need to know about lubricant
How does sleep affect your sex life?
3 Reasons married sex is better

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Sizzling ways to surprise your man with sex

Need to rev things up in your relationship? Surprise your partner with unexpected sex.
Make his day!
Surprising sex at the office

Every relationship can hit a lull in the bedroom from time to time. If your sex life has been anything but sizzling, it's time to heat things up with a little creativity and the element of surprise.

Spice things up

Need to rev things up in your relationship? Surprise your boyfriend or husband with unexpected sex.

Office romp

Meet him at the office wearing a trench coat and nothing underneath but sexy lingerie — or nothing at all. Lock his office door and have sex on the desk or floor. There's something hot about office sex, even with your hubby.

Morning surprise

Give him a good reason to get up in the morning. Wake him up with your mouth. No guy will turn down a morning blow job. Don't be lazy about it either — really get into it and don't make these common oral sex mistakes. Remember that oral sex shouldn't only be a prelude to intercourse. Do it all the way, and hopefully he'll return the favor.

Show off

When you and your partner are just relaxing in bed watching TV, surprise him by unexpectedly stripping and masturbating while he watches. He'll be so excited that he'll probably pounce on you before you are finished.

Fake it

You can turn any boring day into a sexual adventure with a little creativity. Ask him to come with you to your mother's this weekend and volunteer to drive. Instead of going to see your parents, take a wrong turn on a secluded road. Pull over and seduce him in the car.

Talk dirty

If your man likes to hear dirty talk but you've always been a little uncomfortable about it, try to let go of your inhibitions. Start by leaving him a note or text message about all the filthy things you want to do with him. Work your way up to sexy voicemails and eventually start talking — or at least whispering — dirty things to him in bed.

Try something new

If your sex life has become a little ho hum lately, it's time to try something new. Strike up a sexual conversation. Listen to your man about his sexual desires and fantasies, and talk about yours. Agree to try something new — whether it's a new sexual position, role playing or something else you've never done before.

More sex tips

How to have a successful one-night stand
Top 10 sex positions for mind-blowing orgasms
How to boost your sexual confidence

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Have a happy, horny holiday

Six weeks. That’s what the holiday season is for most of us. It’s those six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. So why not turn those six weeks into sex weeks? Here are five ways to have a happy, horny holiday.
Woman in sexy santa lingerie

Six weeks. That’s what the holiday season is for most of us. It’s those six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. So why not turn those six weeks into sex weeks? Here are five ways to have a happy, horny holiday.

Secrets to a frisky holiday season

chocolateEngage in naughty nutrition

There are too many articles that advise you to be mindful about your eating and drinking during the holidays. I say, eat, drink and enjoy! What are some sexy holiday foods to get you “in the mood?” My favorite is chocolate. The darker the better. Chocolate is a well-known aphrodisiac that stimulates desire. How? It contains two chemical compounds responsible for elevating moods and helping circulation to all parts of the body . The antioxidants in dark chocolate are great for promoting sexual vigor. So indulge in those holiday chocolate bars, cupcakes and brownies. You can always start that diet in the New Year…

And if you’re worried about fitting into that sexy dress after consuming such yummy chocolate? In keeping with the theme, then buy a Yummie Tummie!

Swallow some holiday cheer

Cocktail idea: Red Burgundy mixed with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla and sugar is known as Hippocras' aphrodisiac.

Wine can be more than fine during the holidays. In fact, alcoholic beverages have been used to stimulate the libido since ancient times. Wine that is spiced can be a potent aphrodisiac. White port is a powerful aphrodisiac , especially when paired with strawberries. And then, of course, there’s tequila. Or “tantric tequila” as I like to call it. I haven’t found any traditional research to confirm its aphrodisiac qualities, but I do have a number of girlfriends who will confirm it!

dreidelPlay Strip Dreidel

Just like eating a bagel, you don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy a good game of Strip Dreidel. All you need is a dreidel, a partner and a bottle of Manischewitz or tequila. Just spin to win! You’ll get tipsy and naked in no time at all. You can either make up your own rules, or read my special rules at:

Make some Mistletoe Madness

Nope. You don’t have to celebrate Christmas to enjoy some Mistletoe Madness! In fact, it can be quite fun to engage in this activity right after a hearty game of Strip Dreidel. Oh sure, anyone can stand under the mistletoe and get that requisite peck on the lips, but not you. During Mistletoe Madness, you get with a partner, get naked, grab your mistletoe and wave it over each part of your body that needs some kissing. Maybe then you can engage in some frisky reindeer games…

Have happy holiday sex

More sex means less stress, and because the holiday season can be filled with stress, I advise having lots of it. Sex, that is. Here’s what happens, though. The stress that comes from enduring those long lines at the mall, dealing with sugar-crazed kids or family members who take all the “fun” out of dysfunctional, does not necessarily put you “in the mood” . My advice? Do it anyway. And by “it” I mean “sex.”

That’s right. The act of engaging in sex will actually get you in the mood, and after a sexy romp, your body will experience a hormone release that triggers the sense of relaxation and relief that you crave. Plus, there’s always the added benefit that sex burns calories — which works very well with your new naughty diet. So put on your sexy Santa hat or place some Hanukkah gelt in some strategic places and have yourself some happy holiday sex!

More sex advice

How does sleep affect your sex life?
What Americans are doing between the sheets
Sexual homework for couples

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The sex moves he will always remember

It's always a good idea to sneak over to the "other side" and get a guy's opinion on what sex moves make sex unforgettable. We rounded up a few opinions from real men around the web to give you a naughty idea or two for tonight.

woman in lingere standing before her boyfriend

What sex moves guys loved

In a classic Cosmopolitan story, one strategic move cemented itself as mind-blowing in one guy's mind:  "She went down on me, naked, with a mirror placed behind her."

Grabbing a mirror is easy, inexpensive, and if you know your man likes pornography and you'd rather be the girl in the movie than watch a skin flick with him, then this is the way to go. With a floor-length mirror behind you, he'll see everything — and we mean everything! — you're doing, just like in the movies, except way better, because he's watching himself. For men, sex doesn't get much better than that!

Get more sex advice from women just like you! >>

Another real-life guy from the Cosmo piece said while he kissed his girlfriend, she'd reach down and masturbate. Talk about an ego boost for him. If he's kissing you and it's so pleasurable that you can't control yourself , now that's a vote of confidence.

43 percent of people named doggy style as their favorite position.

You don't even have to go crazy to give your guy something to think about. Instead, try letting go and going with the flow. At, one commenter said he loves a woman who enjoys herself: "I love when a girl rides me, just being able to watch her body move and her hair flow as she looks into my eyes while moaning drives me crazy."

And one more from the Cosmopolitan story: "Si" said one of his favorite moments in the sack was when his partner gave commentary on an imaginary threesome they were having with another woman. That's one way to have a threesome experience without actually going through with it.

And if you're looking for a quick fix for memorable sex ASAP, our very own Sexcerpts blog reported that, according to a poll, 43 percent of people in a mostly-male poll named doggy style as their favorite position. Blow his mind by switching positions mid-missionary to give him a rear view.

Top 10 sex positions for mind-blowing orgasms >>

Tell us

If there are any men reading, what do these sex move suggestions do for you? What has your wife, girlfriend or past sexual partner done to "wow" you in such a way that you'll never forget? Tell us about it below!

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No cash needed: Sex-themed Christmas gifts to give him

If your cash flow is less than robust this season, you can still give him a gift that he'll remember for a very long time — for zero dollars. Check out these sex-themed presents that'll have him saying, "Best. Holiday. Ever."
Sexy woman in Christmas lingerie
sexy holiday gifts

Presents when you're short on money

If your cash flow is less than robust this season, you can still give him a gift that he'll remember for a very long time — for zero dollars. Check out these sex-themed presents that'll have him saying, "Best. Holiday. Ever."

The "12 Lays of Christmas" pack of gum

OK, so technically a 12-pack of gum in a plastic-bubble pack is, what, a buck? But you probably have one lying around anyway. Grab it and then print out these instructions on what exactly you have in store for your partner over the next week and a half.

Sample text: "LAY 5: Tonight calls for five golden rings / But my golden rings come with sexy things / So pick the outfit that you like best / And I will go get ready and dressed." We like to think of these as forgotten verses.

And don't feel boxed in by the ready-made text: You can always create your own daily orders, tailored exactly to your partner's liking. In this case, don't keep it PG!

A sultry striptease

Have a shot of whiskey-spiked eggnog, cue up your MP3 player's speakers, plant him in a chair opposite you, and give him the dance of his life.

Song suggestion: "Santa Baby." Costume suggestion: Lingerie , topped off with a Santa hat.

A plain old gift certificate for sex

Talk about cheap: You can literally make a sex gift certificate using the back of an envelope, newsprint, spare wrapping paper... whatever you have lying around. Because once he reads what's involved, all he'll remember is the message, not the medium.

All you have to write is the following: "1 coupon. Good for: SEX, anytime you want it." And get creative with the terms and conditions. Use a real coupon or gift certificate for inspiration, but consider adding cute or jokey restrictions in the "fine print," like, "Including, but not limited to: fellatio, sex with a costume of your choice and dirty talk. Not valid on sex in full view of other people or on activities construed as illegal in most states."

Trust us, he'll love it.

"Housewife" for a night

Do a quick check of the pantry and find the ingredients for a batch of brownies or other baked treat, then surprise him with your homemade goodies... and you, wearing an apron, heels and perhaps nothing else. He'll get a kick out of being serviced, so to speak, and it's fun to playact.

We're not ones for enforcing gender roles in real life, but it sure would be fun to be Bad Betty Draper for an evening. You might need a spanking.

Shoot a series of racy photos — for his eyes only

Everyone can look like a model by snapping self-portraits with the myriad of camera apps available for download. Even if you're shy about showing your face, try focusing on a piece of out-of-place lace, a high-class heel mere seconds from dropping to the floor or a shot of crossed curvaceous thighs.

Our favorite apps for sexy shots: Instagram for channeling your inner hipster, Strut Type for a classic pinup look, and Camera Plus for vintage cool.

X-rated Skype session

We love Skype for many reasons, but at the top of our list is the fact that it's free. For this gift, you're the girl on film, and he's the lucky viewer, whether he's on a work trip or in the next room. Treat him to a full-on virtual sex session, or just flash him some carefully selected body parts and your naughtiest poses. For him, it'll be like a skin flick coming to life — and better yet, he'll come home to you in the flesh later.

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Busy? How to fit great sex into your schedule

Maybe back in the Dark Ages, before iPads and 24/7 connectedness, women had a ton of free time to get physical with their partners. But with today's busy work schedules, kids' soccer practices and a myriad of social commitments, having hot sex can get put on the back burner... if we do it at all. But a life without nookie is no way to spend our limited time on this planet — and with that in mind, we asked Dr. Trina Read how to maximize our time so we can have that sex we crave and, most importantly, enjoy it to the fullest.
couple having sex

Maybe back in the Dark Ages, before iPads and 24/7 connectedness, women had a ton of free time to get physical with their partners.

Intimacy tips every woman can use

But with today's busy work schedules, kids' soccer practices and a myriad of social commitments, having hot sex can get put on the back burner... if we do it at all. But a life without nookie is no way to spend our limited time on this planet — and with that in mind, we asked Dr. Trina Read how to maximize our time so we can have that sex we crave and, most importantly, enjoy it to the fullest.

Sexpert Dr. Trina Read, spokesperson for WeVibe and author of Till Sex Do Us Part: Make Your Married Sex Irresistible and Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex: Volumes I, II, and III, shared a few tantalizing tips about how to up the romance factor in our busy lives.

Here are a few helpful hints she discusses — watch the whole video for even more!

alarm clockNo time for date night? No problem! Just 30 minutes will do the trick

"A lot of times with busy couples, especially women, we say yes to a lot of things, like volunteer work, and so sometimes we have to take a step back and say, 'How can I say no to that volunteer work and yes to my partner?' So at least once a week we have at least a half an hour together.... Sometimes if you have a really busy week, even texting your partner little text love notes — I mean, that can mean an awful lot, and it doesn't take a lot of time."

Sex is important for your emotional health too

"I think for women... when we're really, really busy, we're living inside of our heads, we're disconnected from our bodies, and having sex really helps connect us back to ourselves."

Even shy women can ask for what they want in bed

"Most of us don't have the vocabulary. Most of us can't say what we want. You don't have to say it. You can just take a book off the bookshelf — maybe even mine — and read a passage, and say, 'This is what I want.' Or you don't even have to say it — you can just bookmark it, and pass it to your partner, and they can read it, and then all of a sudden you can start having a dialogue."

Watch: How to fit great sex into your schedule

Dr. Trina Read tells us how to maximize our time so we can have that sex we crave and, most importantly, enjoy it to the fullest.

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What you need to know about lubricant
Have better sex at any age
How to spice up your sex life

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His and hers lingerie for a hot holiday for two

Feeling a little frisky this festive season? We suggest stepping under the mistletoe in something sexy. To help get you in the mood for merry-making, we rounded up some sexy lingerie inspired by the season and a little something for the guys, too.

His and hers lingerie

Retro red

Slipping into this retro-inspired bra and garter thong in a holiday shade of red will likely be gift enough for your guy when he sees you in it. Sexy while still staying chic, it definitely has the potential to spice up your season.

For him: Red boxers with a festive gingerbread print .

His and hers lingerie

Soft and silky

Take sexy to a whole new level in this molded bra cup chemise in a rich red perfect for any private celebrations you might be planning this holiday . The black lace hem and triangle cut-out at the back add further intrigue to the silky piece. And what else? It comes with a matching thong.

For him: Tommy Hilfiger penguin-print underwear in holiday red .

His and hers lingerie

Simple and sleek

Not every bra and underwear set needs to be frilly and lacy to be sexy. Case in point: this elegant Calvin Klein set in a seasonally-perfect shade of red . Slip into this for comfort that also looks great.

For him: Splash out on this pair of woven Burberry boxers in red plaid .

His and hers lingerie

Red hot corset

He won’t be able to take his eyes off you when you come down on Christmas morning in this sexy satin La Perla corset and thong with slinky spaghetti straps . We particularly like the scalloped lace trim on the pleated cups for an ultra-flattering fit.

For him: Two pack of Jack & Jones stretch cotton boxer briefs in a bold red and green print .

Bold babydoll

Add some sex appeal to your season with this flirty, frisky underwire mesh babydoll in festive red . Satin ribbon, lace accents at the bust and frills at the neckline and hem add a little something extra he won’t be able to resist. We suggest wearing this when you’re in the mood for some holiday fun for two.

For him: He’ll look extra-kissable in a pair of Joe Boxer mistletoe-print boxer shorts .

His and hers lingerie

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The sex moves he will always remember
Have a happy, horny holiday
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Woman-in-charge sex positions

You handle work, family and finances with finesse. You're an alpha woman and proud of it — but when it comes to hopping into the driver's seat in the bedroom, maybe you're a little rusty. We're here to show you how to take the reins and give both of you a night you'll never forget — plus 10 girl-in-control sex positions that'll leave his heads spinning.
Woman getting what she wants in bed

You handle work, family and finances with finesse. You're an alpha woman and proud of it — but when it comes to hopping into the driver's seat in the bedroom, maybe you're a little rusty.

How to take charge between the sheets

We're here to show you how to take the reins and give both of you a night you'll never forget — plus 10 girl-in-control sex positions that'll leave his heads spinning.

When it comes to sex, sometimes the little things like initiating, saying exactly what you want and planning a sexy romantic night can be daunting. Sheri Meyers, Psy. D, licensed marriage and family therapist and author of Chatting or Cheating, let us in on a few secrets on how to step up, speak up and get the sex you've always wanted.

Why it's important to initiate sex

"If you're normally the person who says 'pass,' 'later' or who rarely makes the first move, then your taking the action to initiate sex is often the biggest turn-on to your man because it communicates 'I want you!'" Meyers says. "Most men say that being desired by their woman makes them [feel] cherished, manly and loved.

How to tell him what you want

"Show him," Meyers says. "Men's egos are often a little fragile in this area. So always start with a positive... what he does 'oh so right,' then show him via demonstrating on him or moving his hand to the place you want to be touched. Close it with a positive, letting him know he's doing it right and it's really turning you on. Men need reinforcement and positive feedback. Often, it's our confidence and desire that is the sexiest thing a woman can wear to bed.

How to plan a special romp

Forget the to-dos. Postponing sex until all of the e-mails have been answered and the list of the day's tasks has been checked off means you'll never have sex. Instead, make a conscious effort to take a break for nookie.

"Put away the laptop and briefcase, turn off your cell phone, close the door to the day," Meyers says. "Literally and figuratively hang a do-not-disturb sign to the world. Clearing the schedule is saying to yourself and your sweetheart, 'Nothing is more important than you and us being together.'"

How to be more assertive in bed

" Men really do want to know how to please you. It makes them feel good to bring you to orgasm. It makes him feel more powerful and successful."

Take your normal roles, and pull the old switcheroo to increase your pleasure, Meyers advises: "If you are an alpha woman in the work force, it's important to let your man be the masculine/alpha in the bedroom."

For better sex that you can suggest to him, think different. And if you shake things up, you have a better chance of return to that hot, hot sex you used to have — back before life got in the way.

"In [your] new relationship, spontaneous,  all-consuming 'I can't keep my hands off of you,' 'I want you so bad' steamy all-nighters full of curiosity, hunger and discovery were naturally built in to the sexual mix," Meyers says. "Over time, we fall into habit patterns and complacency. That's why it's important to change it up and approach sex as a new adventure and opportunity to discover a new position, sensation and way to touch each other."

How do you do that? Think about why he's hot to you — and remember that when you feel good, he'll feel good.

"Look at his body anew," Meyers suggests. "Kiss him in a new way and find a place on his body that you've never kissed before. Put on some music and do a lap dance, whisper into his ear how hot he is and tell him some things you'd like to do to him and with him. Watch a porno film together and talk about what turns you on. Then try it in bed. Men really do want to know how to please you. It makes them feel good to bring you to orgasm. It makes him feel more powerful and successful."

Sounds like a win-win to us.

So, with those tips in mind, try out these 10 sex positions that are ideal for female pleasure, making you feel like a queen while you're getting your kicks.

10 "power" sex positions


Modified missionary

"Practically any classic pose can be fine-tuned to give her a thrill," says Lisa Sweet, author of 365 Sex Thrills. "All she needs to do is have the desire to go after her own pleasure by making a few simple adjustments. Raising her legs so that her feet are planted on his bottom will graze his pubic bone against her clitoris. Or she can raise her legs up — the higher she lifts them, the deeper the penetration against the front wall of her vagina, which is where her G-spot is."


Deeper rear-entry

"This always feels like a rough-and-ready move, but she can make it her own by lying on her stomach and have him gently lie on top of her," Sweet says. "This deepens the penetration while creating some fiery G-spot and clitoral sparks at the same time."



"This cuddly move gets a bad rap on the thrillometer scale," Sweet says. "To amp it up, he can slip his fingers between her legs and fiddle with her diddle as he thrusts into her. Or she can just take care of business herself. Squeezing her thighs will help crank up the pleasure."


Yab yum

"Classically, the man sits in the lotus posture with the woman astride," say Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson, authors of Great Sex Made Simple. "It can also be done cross-legged, and if that's still uncomfortable, he can modify it further by sitting on a chair or the edge of a bed with his feet on the floor. This is a very intimate position because your bodies are aligned and close together. It's great for gazing into each other's eyes and for alternating between stillness and motion during lovemaking. Many people find it to be the most effective position for experiencing G-spot stimulation while having penetrative sex."


Kali Asana

"This is a familiar female-superior position to many — the man lies on his back, and the woman sits astride," says Michaels and Johnson. "It is often depicted in Tantric art, and its roots in the tradition are ancient. There are lots of ways to vary the experience and the sensations in this position — squatting, kneeling, keeping the body erect, leaning forward or slightly backward and kneeling on one side while keeping your foot flat on the other. A variety of movements are also possible — rocking, grinding or bouncing — and this too will produce different sensations. This position enables you to control the pace and also the depth of penetration. For many women, it provides the most direct clitoral stimulation, and it is also easy for the man to stimulate the clitoris, either manually or with a vibrator."


Reverse cowgirl

"This is not really a traditional posture, but we like to think of it as a variant on Kali Asana," say Michaels and Johnson. "This is a great one to use while facing a mirror, which will give you a clear view of what's going on in the genital area while you're making love, something that's not easy in most positions. It's also a position in which it's easy to stimulate yourself manually. The angle of penetration and the stimulation it produces are also likely to give your partner some different sensations. Many men find reverse cowgirl to be very intense, so it's a good idea to pay attention to how he's responding."


Taking a stand

"In this position, he braces his back against a wall, so she is 'on top' and moves up to him for entry — this is easier if she lifts one leg," says Dr. Carol Queen, staff sexologist at Good Vibrations sex toy shop in San Francisco. "He can hold her leg up with one arm and embrace her with the other arm. If she arches back, she will bring their pelvises even closer together — and then he'll be able to reach her breasts easily. Bonuses: great for eye contact, touch and kissing. Caution: When duration is desired, most people will decide to get horizontal eventually." Bonus tip: "When he's taller, he can spread his legs wider apart to lower his pelvis to a more accommodating height ," she says.


Head over heels

"Here's an unusual and languid variation on the [woman on top] position," says Dr. Queen. "From her perch kneeling on top of him, she places her ankles on his shoulders and lies back so she is either lying right on him , or, with a tilt to the side, this can become a variation on spooning: He's tipped partly on his side, she is nestled up against him. Less eye contact in this position, but tons of opportunity to touch, especially clitoral touch. He can use her hips and thighs to pull her closer to him if deeper penetration or more vigorous movements are desired." For more positions like described in numbers Seven and Eight, Dr. Queen recommends the book Hot Sex: Over 200 Things You Can Try Tonight.


Splitting the bamboo

"Another classic tantra position, this is a sort of a missionary position variant," says Dr. Queen. "She lies on her back, but instead of lying on top of her, he kneels, his knees apart so his pelvis is low and he can enter her. She can reach his thighs to touch him — her ankles on his shoulders, or one leg is bent so she can rest her foot flat on his chest and feel his heartbeat. Bonuses: great for eye contact, touch, toe- and foot-kissing." For more like this position, she recommends the book The Modern Kama Sutra.


Sexy scissoring

"This is fab for its clitoral stimulation," says Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright, Astroglide’s relationship and sexual wellness ambassador. "A gal starts in woman-on-top, but then lies back between her lover's legs . He can then easily stimulate her hot spots, working her more easily to orgasm."

Crazy bonus position

Gyrating split

Difficulty: 10! Only for the strong-willed and adventurous!

"A flexible gal lies on top of her guy w/ both legs inside his," says Dr. Fulbright. "She then gets into a split by bringing one leg up, putting half of her weight on her knee. She can then offer him her breast to kiss and suck on, which both will find super-hot." You might want to do some deep stretching before trying this one on for size, but boy will his mind be blown...

More sex tips

Busy? How to fit great sex into your schedule
Shhhh: Get the sex you want without speaking a word
What you need to know about lubricant

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Sexual health resolutions: Start a bedroom bucket list!

It’s that time of the year to reflect on what’s lacking in our lives and how to improve it. We should not limit our resolutions to simply losing weight or reducing stress. Resolutions are a way to focus on improving life, feeling better and putting more focus on self-care. What about sexual health?

Woman writing in journal

Now is a good time to focus on sexual wellness for one’s overall health and well-being. Sexual wellness includes values and beliefs centered around sexuality, body image, emotional response as well as one’s physical condition.

There are many physical and mental health benefits of sex. We know that sex reduces stress, improves muscle tone, increases emotional connectivity, stimulates the immune system and has some of the same cardiovascular benefits as exercise. Sexual health is not only for couples. It is important for women to focus on sexuality by knowing their bodies and becoming more empowered through self-exploration and discovery. We need to develop intimacy within ourselves to successfully share it with a partner.

Here are some ideas for making your own sexual health resolutions:


Become positive

Stop negative self-talk and replace it with self-affirming positive statements. Negative talk: “I hate my body. I’m so fat." Positive talk: “I love my body and all of its curves.”


Explore your own erogenous zones

Learn what feels good to you. Start by purchasing or upgrading a sex toy to help enhance pleasure. Know that erogenous zones extend beyond the clitoris — experiment with varying pressure and sensual touch over the entire body.


Educate yourself

Learn about your own anatomy and put the pieces together to understand your own sexual response. Banish myths and unrealistic expectations about orgasm and desire. Every woman’s anatomy is unique and different and women enjoy different types of stimulation.

"We need to develop intimacy within ourselves to successfully share it with a partner."

Practice mindfulness

Be present and engaged during intimacy. Make more eye contact and use breathing as a tool to stay connected.

couple in love


Talk about a sexual topic with friends or a partner

Most women bring up sex when there’s a problem, but you should talk to friends or partners when sex is going great too! Talking about sex helps women gain comfort and confidence with sexuality.


Engage in sexual fantasy

Sexual fantasy is linked to improving sexual arousal and desire and can fuel libido long before sex begins.


Assess lifestyle habits and their effect on your
sexual response

Smoking and alcohol intake can have a dampening effect on sexual response while a healthy BMI and improved fitness leads to better sexual conditioning as well as overall wellness.


Eat healthier to stimulate your sexual appetite

dark chocolate

Increase antioxidants. Red wine, chocolate and nuts are fun choices. Also know that some healthy foods are actually aphrodisiacs — almonds, pineapple and avocados.


Step outside of
your sexual box

Be creative and make a sexual bucket list of what you want to try! Don't be afraid of a new position or setting to add excitement.


Get a sexual health physical

There’s more to an annual exam than just a pap smear. Physiological assessments can include genital blood flow, nerve sensations and evaluation of pelvic floor tone. You can also address psychological components such as stress, anxiety or depression for improving your sexual wellness.

These sexual health resolutions are key to creating a healthy sexual lifestyle. Make sexual fulfillment a priority for the upcoming year.

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What is tantric sex?

We can guess what comes to mind when we say "tantric sex": Sting. Ever since the musician made a drunken comment to an interviewer about having tantric sex for hours with his wife, Trudie Styler, the specifics of the tantra have become a bit murky. But don't fret: To enjoy everything tantric sex has to offer, you don't have to purchase an Oriental rug, shave your head or even listen to The Police.

Couple having sex together

To get to the heart of what tantric sex actually means, we caught up with Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson, authors of Great Sex Made Simple: Tantric Tips to Deepen Intimacy and Heighten Pleasure, who schooled us in the ways of the tantra — and how regular women can get the most out of their sex lives using tantric techniques.

How Sting got it wrong

If you take away nothing else from this story, remember that the 5,000-year-old Eastern spiritual practice of tantric sex does not mean that you have to make love for hours. Instead, enlightenment and having a reverence for your partner that lasts beyond the length of any orgasm is at the core of the teachings, Michaels and Johnson say.

"The tantric approach has far more to do with your mental approach than with technique."

"It's funny that a comment Sting made over 20 years ago still has an enduring hold on the public's imagination," the couple says. "He's tried to explain it away or recant it in various ways. At one point, he said that he regretted making the statement and didn't really feel he could talk about the subject beyond saying that his wife, Trudy, is his church. That's much closer to what the spirit of tantric sex is all about."

"In the classical sexual ritual, the participants worship each other as embodiments of deities. We encourage people to bring an attitude of reverence into their lovemaking and to all their interactions. The tantric approach has far more to do with your mental approach than with technique. It's certainly got nothing to do with bragging about staying power."

But in tantric sex, you can feel pleasure longer...

"That said, prolonged lovemaking is part of the tradition," Michaels and Johnson say. "The tantrics of old recognized that orgasm can be a mystical experience, often the most readily accessible mystical experience of all. During orgasm, the mind goes quiet, and you may feel a sense of merger — be it with a partner or even with all that is.

For most of us, the transcendent potential in sex is something that's experienced only briefly, during the orgasm itself. If you extend arousal and focus on building it , you may start to feel this sense of union well before you have an orgasm, and it is likely to last far longer than it would in more conventional lovemaking. So making it last is a means to an end, not an end in itself. If you can stay turned on for a half hour or so, you're likely to experience the altered state of consciousness we just described."

How to incorporate elements of tantric sex into your own bedroom:


Focus on your breathing and your reaction to touch

"It's fairly common for people to check out during sex, to do things by rote and without a whole lot of reflection. Paying attention to what you're experiencing in your body, the way you are breathing and how your partner is responding are all very important," the couple says.


Give and receive — start with kisses

"To take this a step further, people tend to interact sexually based on a set of tacit understandings: Basically, I'll do you for a while, and then you can do me, and if we're lucky, we'll both have a good experience," Michaels and Johnson say.

"We encourage people to separate giving and receiving in a very methodical way. For example, it's great to experiment with giving and receiving kisses. Take a couple of minutes and allow your partner to kiss you and explore your mouth with his tongue. Then reverse roles. When you're kissing, see how fully you can give yourself over to the active role. When you're receiving, surrender to the experience completely."


Take 60 minutes and give each other a massage — but no sex yet!

"Set aside an hour or so to give and receive full body massages . Do this on different days. As with the kissing exercise, the role of the giver is to give as fully as possible, and the role of the receiver is simply to receive. Taking this activity out of the realm of foreplay and keeping the roles clearly defined may help you discover new sources of pleasure, and may also give you new insights into the way you interact with your partner both in and out of bed."


Break a taboo by just talking about sex

"Many traditional tantric practices involved breaking cultural taboos, and there were many in medieval India," the couple says. "This was true both in the context of sexual ritual and more generally. In the simplest terms, the violation of these cultural norms had a liberating effect. Of course, we don't live in a society that has such clearly defined social rules, but we all have our own self-imposed limitations and our habitual ways of being, in lovemaking and more generally in life. If you can shed some of your inhibitions, you're likely to experience more pleasure. Talking frankly about sex is a big taboo for many, so for many, having frequent and explicit conversations about sex is a great first step."


Explore a personal sexual taboo together

"If you want to get a little bolder, you can identify a couple of personal taboos , and then decide on one that you might be interested in breaking," Michaels and Johnson say. "Don't pick anything huge at first; it might just mean making love with the lights on or experimenting with light bondage, sensory deprivation or role-play. The purpose is to become more flexible and aware and to be less limited by preconceived ideas about yourself. Sometimes we deprive ourselves of a lot of pleasure by thinking, 'I'm not the kind of person who would enjoy that.'"

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No cash needed: Sex-themed Christmas gifts to give him
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Your official Valentine’s Day sex playlist

It’s true that music can really dictate the pace and mood of your romp. So this Valentine’s Day, why not mix things up a bit and make it a night to remember by adding these 10 super sexy songs to your iTunes or Spotify? Arrange them in whichever order you prefer to create your own unique lovemaking playlist to get down and dirty to this Feb. 14 and beyond.
Passionate couple on valentines day

It’s true that music can really dictate the pace and mood of your romp. So this Valentine’s Day, why not mix things up a bit and make it a night to remember by adding these 10 super sexy songs to your iTunes or Spotify?

Turn up the heat!

Arrange them in whichever order you prefer to create your own unique lovemaking playlist to get down and dirty this Feb. 14 and beyond.


"Sex On Fire"

by Kings of Leon

Sex on Fire Kings of Leon

Sorry, we just couldn’t resist! For those couples who’ve been together forever and don’t take each other too seriously, this is a really fun tune to alternate strip teasing/dancing to. Then push each other down on the bed and make out passionately.


"Glory Box"

by Portishead

Glory Box Portishead

If this song doesn’t give you the perfect reason to be a woman, we don’t know what else will! It’s slow, seductive and will put you and your partner in the mood to play…


"Where Have You Been" by Rihanna

Where have you been rihanna

Get in the groove and let loose to the tunes of Rihanna. The lyrics of this song pretty much say it all. And trust us, it’ll totally have your man feeling on top of the world .


"Mesmerize by Ja Rule" featuring Ashanti

Mesmerize Ja Rule

Take things back old school, and unleash your inner freak with a little Ja Rule and Ashanti blasting over the sound system. This beat is bound to have both you and your guy exploring every inch of each other’s bodies…


"Let Go" by

Frou Frou

Let Go Frou Frou

Let go of your inhibitions and just jump in. After all, what are you waiting for? It’s Valentine’s Day baby! And there are boundless pleasures to be had.


"Crash Into Me" by

Dave Matthews Band

Crash into me DMB

It doesn’t matter who you are or how many times you’ve heard this song. In our opinion, it never gets old . For a passionate, romance-fueled romp, completely lose yourself in the erotic nature of this tune.



by Counting Crows

Colorblind Counting Crows

Pretend like you’re in the movie Cruel Intentions, and recreate the steamy sex scene between Reese and Ryan at home by doing the deed to this sensual song. We’re all hot and bothered over here just thinking about it!


"You Make Me Wanna…"

by Usher

You make me wanna Usher

There’s nothing like a little Usher to heat things up between the sheets. This song will have him wanting to do unspeakable things to you, guaranteed…


"What’s Your Fantasy" by Ludacris

What's Your Fantasy Ludacris

Move over Anastasia Steele because there’s a new sex goddess in town! If your guy enjoys dirty rap, he’ll have a blast busting out all the crazy sex moves sung about in this song. Uh, need we say more?


"Cosmic Love" by Florence & The Machine

Cosmic Love Florence and the machine

Take your sex life to new heights, and see if this song doesn’t turn you and your partner on as much as it does us. The slow and fast rhythms, not to mention the beautiful melody, ensure a Valentine’s Day for the books.

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