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Monday, March 25, 2013

Kiss Confidently

Have you ever experienced that feeling during a date where you just know you need to make a move on the girl you are out with, but you didn't know how to kiss her in the right way or were nervous of blowing it?

It is something that a lot of men will deal with at some point. Actually, I used to suffer from the same problem. I would be able to get girls to go out with me, but I could never seal the deal when it came time to take things physical.

Firstly, if you can get a girl to see you and you have a hunch that she might even be attracted to you, then you are much farther along than a lot of men. You only need to up the ante and kiss the girl.

At the bottom of it all, the situation is all in your head. You may be thinking "How can I know for certain if she likes me?" or "What if she rejects me?".

None of this really matters.

There are no fool-proof ways to find out if a woman likes you or not.

Instead move quickly to determine if she is the sort of woman you want to spend time with or not.

So you have to kiss her at a decent time like at the end of a date. With a bit of practice, you can just feel when it is time to kiss her. Things will just feel right and you will know inside what to do.

When you go in to kiss her, one of two things will happen.

One, you two will start to make out and have all kinds of exhilarating fun.

Or, she rejects our kiss. If this happens, be glad! You discovered quickly that she isn't worth your time and you can now focus your energy on other girls.

Just brush it off with something like, "Don't blame a guy for trying now." or "Hey, take it as a compliment. " Then finish up the date fast. Don't make the situation weird, just act like the two of you are friends.

Then everything is left to her. If she begins to regret her decision, let her be the one to call you. But let her initiate the first move. You should be spending time with girls who do like you romantically.

Let me share a personal example of how to kiss a woman.

I had a date with a woman who I really liked a lot. Every now and again, you meet a girl that just makes you nervous with excitement at the thought of hooking up with her. This woman was a perfect example of one of those.

I took her out to lunch at one of my favorite places in the city. After driving her home, she asked me to come up to show me her artwork. We relaxed on her couch and talked.

Then everything got quiet.

The time was just right to make my move. I didn't have a clue how she would react to it, but I gave it a shot. I allowed it to get a little awkward for the heck of it, then I said, "I just really want to kiss you now. " Then I leaned over and kissed her.

At first there was some hesitation, but she quickly let go to enjoy the moment. It's critical not to throw in the towel at the first sign of resistance. She will let you know if she doesn't want to kiss. But you will probably find she will put up a little resistance, but that will quicly melt away.

Also, take the lead with the making out. A lot of girls will try to do what they are accustomed to the first few times you make out. Be firm and direct with your kissing and she will relax and let you set the tone.

After that, I gazed into her eyes and told her "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. " That lit her up and we went on to have a lot of fun.

So that is how to kiss a girl. Yes, it can be hard to put it all on the line and risk rejection, but that's part of the game.

If you liked this article, please also check out Guide to Kissing Girls, Flirting with Girls, and Turning On a Woman.

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