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Friday, March 22, 2013

In the movies it always seems that the "rebel" or "outcast" gets the pleasure of kissing the girls, while the nice guy or "good boy" gets the shaft. This is not the case however in real life. In reality, there are steps which can be taken in order to make that special girl in school want to kiss you. Step 1: If you're involved in sports and happen to suffer some minor cuts or bruises, be sure to make certain that the cuts or scrapes are sufficiently healed. Generally speaking, a girl, no matter how much she may like you, has any desire to kiss scabs. Medicated chap stick will work great to speed up the process of erasing those scrapes. Also, if you have any cold sores be sure that they're healed before making your move. If you don't make a good first impression, she may not want to kiss you again. Step 2: If more than an hour has passed since you last brushed your teeth, you're going to either need to give them a good brushing, or pop four to five breath mints before you decide kiss her. Be sure that you are not chewing gum when the time comes to give her that kiss. Breath spray is overrated and is not a good idea, because after you swallow it, the clean flavor of it starts to diminish rapidly. Step 3: Be sure that you've showered and smell good before you go in for that kiss. Also be sure to use a deodorant that is good, but not too strong. You don't want the smell of your deodorant or cologne to overwhelm her. Step 4: Gently take her hand in yours and bring her closer to you. When she's close enough, reach out and lovingly pull her to you. Look into her beautiful eyes and smile. Slowly move your lips down to hers, but if she starts to give you signs of protest or you feel like she wants to move away, let her. She may not feel that she's ready to kiss you yet. If on the other hand she does not protest, gently touch your lips to hers. If she responds, kiss her again more passionately than the first time. If she does not respond just let her go and give her some space, as you may have given her a little bit of a scare. Read her body language in order to tell whether or not she wants to kiss you again. Always maintain your confidence as this is what will encourage her to want to kiss you.

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