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Saturday, March 2, 2013

How to turn your home into a Valentine’s Day love cove

Spending Valentine’s Day at home with your partner? Transform your home and bedroom into a romantic love cove you’ll never want to leave.

Romantic bedroom

Step 1: Use mood lighting

Set the mood with sexy lighting. The right lighting can make all the difference when it comes to putting you in the mood for love. Dim lighting may also be the confidence boost you and your partner need to get wild on Valentine’s Day. Try lowering the lighting on any fixtures that have an existing dimmer. Remove bright bulbs and replace them with sexy colored bulbs that cast warm lighting around your home. Avoid turning on harsh overhead lights. Use candles, but instead of lighting real flames you have to tend later, use battery-operated candles you can forget about when you get otherwise engaged.

Step 2: Make your home smell intoxicating

Used the right way, aromatherapy speaks directly to the pleasure centers in your brain. Without going overboard, use intoxicating, sexy smells to create a romantic atmosphere at home. Remember, too much perfume can lead to headaches, and no one wants a headache on Valentine’s Day. Try using incense a few hours before you plan on romance with your partner. The smell will linger, but not too strongly. You can diffuse floral essential oils, but beware the dreaded “grandmother” smell when dabbling in floral scents. Use an amber-, musk- or vanilla-scented lotion on your legs for a subtle scent.

Step 3: Remove distractions

On Valentine’s Day, the last thing you want is distraction. Turn off your home phone ringer. Turn cell phones off and put them out of sight. Turn off your computer. When you clean your home in preparation for Valentine’s Day, remove clutter that could be distracting or stressful, such as piles of bills. Ideally, you should be focused only on each other, not on television or other distractions.

Step 4: Focus on textures

The final step to creating the perfect love cove this Valentine’s Day is to focus on sensuality. Make your bed with faux fur and ultra-soft flannels that make you want to feel them against your skin. Leave a few fun items on the bedside, such as long feathers or textured massagers. Touch and sensuality are the best way to wind down from the day and slip into the mood for love.

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